Vision Therapy
Vision therapy is like physical therapy for the visual system, including the eyes and the brain. Overall, the goal of vision therapy is to treat vision problems that cannot be treated successfully with glasses, contact lenses and/or surgery alone. It’s aim is to help people achieve clear, comfortable binocular vision, with meaning and understanding of that visual information.
Vision therapy can include the use of lenses, prisms, filters, computerized visual activities and non-computerized instruments. Studies show that the human brain has an amazing amount of neuroplasticity — the ability to change its structure and function in response to external stimuli. And these neurological changes in the brain, once thought to occur only during early childhood, have been demonstrated to occur in adults as well.
Our Vision Therapy (VT) programmes work on areas such as:
- Functional Skills – Convergence Insufficiency, Visual Efficiency, Amblyopia (lazy eye) & Strabismus (turned eye/”squint”).
- Visual-Cognitive Skills – including Eye tracking training, Visual Analysis, Visual Memory, Visual-Spatial abilities.
We have invested in the most advanced technology for using in our In-Office Therapy programmes, as well as the software used for Home Therapy. All our VT programmes require a significant time commitment, so should be considered carefully, as success depends ultimately on regular practice and reinforcement at home, along with the consistent guidance of your Behavioural Optometrist/Therapist. Some of the activities, equipment and techniques we may use can be viewed below-
For further information on Vision Therapy